I found your note last night.
"Hello mother- just cuz I'm not here
doesn't mean I can't still bother you on this late night
while everyone is asleep and your making flowers.
Just kidding. Love you. Miss you. Joe"
I found it last night. While everyone was asleep and I was making flowers.
The flood gates opened. I miss you so much Joe.
I've missed you every minute since the day you left.
I wish you would have stayed.
But, I know this country life isn't for you.
There is so much I wanted to tell you while you were here.
But I didn't.
Like how very, very proud I am of you.
How much of a good big brother you are.
You are so polite with such good manners.
You make such a good impression when you meet someone.
You have a quick, witty sense of humor that is always making me
You are as fierce as a lion...

But gentle as a lamb!

And, you are smart Joe.
Very, very smart.
There is so much more.
We ALL miss you!
I love you Joe.