I love our Christmas tree.
Five years ago, when I moved here to the Ozarks from California,
I sold everything I owned and just kept what I could put
in my little KIA Rio.
One of the things I kept was my box of Christmas tree ornaments.
My ornaments are an eclectic collection containing ones
from my childhood to the present day with
my children.
Each one has a special meaning.
Some come from a special place.
Some homemade from a special time.
Remember these Joe?

You were ten and Sky was four.
I put a big blanket on the living room floor, a bucket of beads,
and lots of sparkly pipe cleaners.
Put some Christmas movies in the VCR.
And you two were entertained for hours.
Hours of being creative.
Making new patterns.
Designing new sparkly rings for the Christmas tree.
There was no bickering, fighting, throwing, hitting.
Just hours of creativeness.
It's one of my favorite memories.
And every time I put these on the tree
it brings that memory back.
That's why I love our tree.