We decided not to find out if you were a boy or girl before you
were born.
And when you came out it was the best surprise ever!
Daddy went and bought you this beautiful dress just a few hours after
you were born.
It was an icy snow storm but Daddy had to get his first born
something pretty.
Two years later and your just the sweetest little girl ever!
We've all been sick.
The weather has been horrible.
So any big party plans have been put on hold.
But, we did get the best package ever in the mail.
Grandma Davis saved the day by making some sweet, precious, gifts.
This is a little dolly quilt.
I love it!
Lulu loves covering her babies with it.
It's just perfect!
But that's not all.
Grandma's been busy!
Look at all these beautiful baby outfits.
And the dolly in the middle is an American Baby, baby doll.
She fits perfectly into all these handmade outfits.
We just love them!
I've never seen anything more darling!
It was the perfect present for a two year old.
Lulu's been having so much fun dressing up
her new dolly!
Thank you Grandma Davis for all your hard work!