My son, Sky, wrote this beautiful story. His teacher said it was so good it could be published!
Please don't copy or use this story for anything other than your personal enjoyment from reading it on this blog.
Once upon a time on the month of December there was a lonely penguin out in Central Park Zoo. The little penguin had one wish for Christmas and that was to fly.
When it was feeding time, the little penguin snuck out and started walking through the bird section of the zoo hoping that maybe he could learn to fly there.
He wobbled up to a few pigeon's and asked "dear pigeons would you please teach me how to fly?" "You couldn't fly . You're a penguin," said one of the pigeons. "I could if you would teach me," said the little penguin. "Go ask some other bird," "ya, we aint got time for you" said the pigeons as they were flapping their wings away.
So the disappointed little penguin wobbled over back to his home in the penguin area. The next day when it came to feeding time again, he snuck out and wobbled down to the bird section. Then he came upon the parakeet area.
"Oh dear parakeets would you please teach me how to fly?" "Why would you want to fly, you're a penguin," said the parakeets. "Because it's always been my dream Mr. Parakeet." "We aint gonna help you, go find some other bird."
So the little penguin wobbled away with rejection back to his home in the penguin area.
The next day was Christmas Eve and the little penguin still couldn't fly. When it came to feeding time the determined little penguin snuck out and wobbled to the bird section until he came upon some condors.
He asked one of the condors, "please dear condor would you please teach me how to fly?" "Why in the world would a penguin want to fly?" asked the condor. "Please, it's always been my dream to fly , sir" said the penguin. "No, why don't you ask some other bird instead of bothering me." So the little penguin wobbled back to his home in the penguin area.
The next day was Christmas and yet the penguin still couldn't fly. The whole day was horrible for the little penguin. He stayed in his home the whole morning and evening. But when it came to night time the penguin started to levitate. By the time he woke up the whole zoo was in sight. The little penguin was so happy he didn't know what to think. So he just flew around the zoo in circles. All the birds that had been mean to the little penguin had to watch in agony. By the time the penguin was tired, he just drifted down, back to his home in the penguin area.
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs Activities
3 months ago
What a great story! I like it! ^^
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